Sunday, July 29, 2012

tuXeDo's tears

My heart hurts, it hurts so much. More I feel, my heart gets worn out
Don't hold back the person who's ready to leave
The journey ending with my lonely, feelings hiding behind my heart
Straying away from road of love, I've found myself being discarded by the levies of love
Me muttering my confession as if it's a surgery, you may not understand, but I still love you
If we can't be beside each other, I will just leave. Willing to do everything, now I will get going 
Can no longer bear to look you've confined me in a cage. Blood pouring down, the sadness, happiness, those feelings we've shared
I can't longer bear to look, while I am still breathing. It would be better if I forget, so please stop this nonsense. The scars only getting deeper as it is watered
Your voice and breath, that long hair and its scent, everything all tangled and mixed with desiredness 
You've waited long enough, but I've forgotten you
I sometimes held back my tears as I saw your face. I sometimes closed my eyes and prayed as I panicked that you might be gone as i wake from sleep
I've poked you and called your name as well, if wasn't enough I also bit you softly as well 
I was relieved as I heard your whimper, then as I stared at you, I held back my tears and as I stared at you, I sometimes held back my desiredness
If you leave from my side, I've thought that I would follow you to the end of the world
You don't have to try to confined me, when I look at the branded image of you in my heart even if you don't try to be similar, when I look at you your existence, which co-exists with my love
The love which brightens my path, the wind softly soaking the dry soul. If walking through this path means throwing away all of my happiness. Then I'd rather rest beside you
Tears bursting and now i really miss you. I may try to forget, but I can't forget, if the world stops and if my heart stops again, by then, perhaps we will end this
It's not familiar no matter how I try, I know it's not familiar. Live within my heart, just live within my heart
Then it's alright even if I leave you. I am the one who's going to forget you, so stop this nonsense, the sadness, happiness, those feeling we've shared 
Firstly I loved her more than anyone else. Secondly, I loved myself more than her. All of sudden, the feelings of 'LOVE' has disappeared. Now, I've finally realized that I have left your side :(

This story is not about me but it is based on someone's true story. Everybody says they look suit together and we can see their happiness moment each other. They so close, care of their love and always put their smile on face. Their parents know about their relationship and realize about that specialization. I don't think the distance is the major obstacles, because they believe each other. Suddenly, the men get the news that the girl has engaged with someone else. The boy love that girl so much, but what she give to him is the paint. i'm not try to blame that girl hundred percents, but please have a round table talk first with the boy. i feel so sorry to him. Be strong man. You're the man. 

~phared shakur~