Monday, January 30, 2012

israel GAY

ISRAEL sebuah negara GAY? Tahniah kepada pucuk pimpinan tertinggi Israel dan sesuai dengan peranannya sebagai BINATANG dunia yang sentiasa menyalak menindas umat ISLAM PALESTIN. Bandar raya Tel Aviv merupakan ibu negara kepada ISRAEL iaitu sebuah nama yang tidak diiktifar taraf negaranya. Tel Aviv adalah antara destinasi paling popular yang dikunjungi golongan GAY dari seluruh dunia. Di bandar raya Israel ini, pasangan gay boleh berjalan sambil berpegangan tangan, malah mereka turut dibenarkan bercium di tempat awam. Ditambah dengan iklimnya yang nyaman dan terdapat pelbagai aktiviti hiburan malam serta kempen secara berterusan yang dijalankan oleh pihak pemerintah, telah banyak membantu menjadikan bandar raya ini sebagai syurga untuk golongan GAY dunia yang dilaknat. Pihak dewan bandar raya di sini juga telah membelanjakan lebih dua pertiga dari bajet pasaran antarabangsa bagi menarik kedatangan pelancong GAY. Mereka cuba untuk menjadikan bandar raya itu sebagai bandar raya contoh dengan mengamalkan dasar keterbukaan, pluralisme dan toleransi. Ini merupakan satu dasar contoh untuk sebuah negara bodoh dengan mempraktikkan amalan sonsang. Tetapi kita tidak boleh untuk mempersalahkan mereka kerana mereka hanya menuruti tanda KIAMAT yang semakin menghampiri sekalian manusia. Puluhan ribu pelancong GAY dari luar negara telah berkunjung ke bandar raya ini pada setiap tahun, lebih "MEMBANGGAKAN" Tel Aviv juga telah diumumkan sebagai bandar raya GAY paling terbaik di dunia pada tahun 2011 selepas bandar tersebut memenangi tempat pertama pada satu pertandingan antarabangsa. Untuk manusia GAY dan PONDAN, ini adalah SYURGA untuk anda melempiaskan nafsu songsang anda dengan rakusnya. TAHNIAH untuk SYAITAN dunia!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Do you has Facebook? Tweeter? Blog? Mface? All of this is a social network, and every body has it, including you. When you die, does your Facebook account die with you? Or that online photo album? What about your iTunes playlist, blogs or tweets? Do you know laws in U.S and elsewhere are vague on the fate of digital right to online accounts after death, leading to complications and legal wrangling for survivors who want access to the online services of the deceased. Legal experts say it's unclear who owns what in the internet "cloud", and in some cases the user agreement for email or social networking sites terminates when a person dies. In the case of online photo album, those photo are yours and you have a copyright, but the problem is if you upload them to a site like Shutterfly, the property you own is now stuck behind a license. The underlying asset is still owned by you but the access terminates on your death. The same can be said about emails. Some accounts may have actual value, such as revenue-producing blogs, while others may have important sentimental value.

The planning for handling online account, consumers can use a number of options including simply writing down instructions for family members, and please remember that if it's online world and an online identity you should have an online service. Like Facebook, it will allow family members to remove an account or create a "memorial" page. Experts advice against detailing all digital assets in a will, which could become a public document, opening up the possibility of identity theft. Some say a separate document or executor for digital assets could be useful, and one way to preserve access would be to register account in the name of a trust, control of which could be transferred on death.

Some may seek an online services, while others can handle their account by creating a spreadsheet or simply having a conversation with their family, but it does require some planning. This is a dirty little uncovered corner of the web, we need to realize that if we want to be a digital society we need to be able to deal with digital assets after death. It would be useful to be able to name beneficiaries for accounts, but this could create considerable administrative costs. Google or Facebook aren't built to verify death, and they have too many users. A lot of the folks in the internet boom are too young to care, or have an air or invincibility. Try to think, as you see more baby boomers nearing retirement and passing away this will become a more pressing issue.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

mOrE ThAn fORevEr

If I had a thousand years to love you

I would need a thousand more
There's so much love, inside I wanna give you
You're all I'm living for
Darling, you.. a lifetime ain't enough to love you
Ya.. There's not enough time
To have you here beside me
If i could..
I would give you more than forever
I would love you, long after the end of time
I would give you more than forever
More that the rest of my life
If that's what i could do
I'd be loving you more than forever

And if I had a million of your kisses
That wouldn't be enough to get me by
It's gonna take more than a lifetime of your kisses
To keep me satisfied
More than the rest of our time
Because it's your love, I can't get enough of baby..

In a lonely night..i just want to express my emotion through the word of poem.
It is not based on the true story..IT is just ME.. :)

Friday, January 27, 2012


Anda tahu permainan Lego? Pasti kita semua pernah melalui zaman kanak-kanak yang riang dengan ditemani permainan Lego. Permainan tersebut sangat sinonim dengan kanak-kanak dari dahulu hinggalah pada zaman sekarang. Saya sendiri pernah dan masih menyimpan permainan lego itu di dalam bilik saya. Lego pertama yang saya beli adalah di Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. Lego tersebut mempunyai replika orang, kereta Go-Kart, rumah dan pokok. Lego juga mampu menguji daya kreativiti kita untuk membina monumen plastik yang kita imaginasikan dalam minda. Kini rakyat Malaysia khususnya yang berada di Negeri Johor boleh berbangga dengan pembukaan Taman Tema Legoland Malaysia di Medini, Nusajaya, Johor yang bakal memberikan pengalaman hampir serupa dengan taman tema Legoland lain di seluruh dunia. Taman Tema Legoland Malaysia yang bernilai RM720 juta merupakan taman tema Legoland keenam di dunia selepas Legoland Billund, Legoland Windsor, Legoland Deutschland, Legoland California dan Legoland Florida. Reka bentuk dan konsep Legoland Malaysia telah diambil berdasarkan Legoland Deutschland, Jerman iaitu Legoland terbaharu yang dibuka pada tahun 2002. Namun walaupun konsep rekaan diadaptasi dari negara luar namun pengalaman di Taman Teman Legoland Malaysia mungkin lebih baik kerana terdapat kelainanan yang tersendiri diketengahkan.

Kelainan yang terdapat di Legoland Malaysia ialah sebanyak 3000 pokok besar pelbagai jenis dari hutan hujan tropika telah ditanam yang mana ia mempunyai rimbunan yang dapat memberikan persekitaran yang nyaman. Kawasan Legoland Malaysia juga lebih luas dan terdapat bumbung yang disediakan di tempat beratur untuk melindungi pengunjung daripada hujan atau panas. Legoland Malaysia dibina di kawasan seluas 31 hektar di Medini North, iaitu hab gaya hidup di Iskandar Malaysia. Selain daripada itu terdapat satu atau dua pusat tarikan utama yang bakal dibangunkan di Legoland Malaysia dalam usaha untuk memastikan Taman Tema tersebut kekal relevan kepada pengunjung dan memberikan sedikit perbezaan daripada Legoland lain di dunia.

Ciri unik yang terdapat di Taman Tema Legoland Malaysia yang nyata berbeza daripada Legoland lain di dunia ini adalah Miniland, yang mana ia merupakan tempat di mana struktur binaan ternama di serata dunia dibentuk menggunakan Legoland. Jika Legoland California mempertontonkan struktur binaan yang kebanyakannya berasal dari negara itu sendiri dan Legoland Billund di Denmark memaparkan seni bina Eropah yang klasik, Legoland Malaysia pula mengambil pendekatan mengetengahkan seni bina dari negeri Johor, Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya dan struktur binaan dari negara-negara ASEAN di kepulauan nusantara.

Untuk pengetahuan seluruh masyarakat maya, Taman Tema Legoland Malaysia bakal dibuka pada akhir tahun 2012 dan disasarkan kepada golongan kanak-kanak berusia lingkungan 2-12 tahu. Legoland Malaysia menawarkan tujuh destinasi yanag akan memberikan pengalaman yang berbeza iaitu Beginning, Miniland, Castle, Xtreme, Imigination, Adventure dan Town dengan lebih 40 pusat tarikan. Terdapat juga cadangan untuk membina Hotel Legoland di Legoland Malaysia namun perlaksanaannya masih belum dijalankan dan jika cadangan tersebut dapat direalisasikan, Legoland Malaysia bakal menjadi Legoland kedua di dunia yang mempunyai Hotel Legoland selepas Legoland Billund, Denmark.

Ini merupakan satu berita yang begitu mengujakan untuk seluruh rakyat Malaysia dan juga kepada seantero penduduk Asia Tenggara dan Asia. Lokasi sudah diberitakan dan peluang bakal dibuka, jadi kita hanya perlu menyimpan duit dan bersabar untuk merasai pengalaman baru yang bakal menjengah tiba. Sekian, Assalamualaikum ;)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

HellO kITtY!!

Negeri Johor mampu untuk berbangga dan rakyat Johor bakal tersenyum dengan pembangunan bandar Taman Tema Hello Kitty di Johor yang dijangka mula beroperasi pada akhir tahun 2012. Untuk pengetahuan umum, Taman Tema Keluarga dalam bangunan yang terletak di Puteri Harbour, Johor itu sedang rancak dibangunkan dan Taman Tema itu akan memiliki tarikan utamanya yang menempatkan pelbagai watak kartun global yang popular seperti Thomas and Frieds, Friendly Dinosour, Bob and The Builder, Pingu The Penguin dan Angelina Ballerina. Selain daripada itu fakta yang hampir menarik untuk diketengahkan kepada khalayak ramai adalah taman tema itu akan memiliki bandar Hello Kitty pertama di Asia Tenggara! Seiring dengan watak Hello Kitty yang merupakan jenama yang berpangkalan di Jepun, Bandar Taman Tema Keluarga ini dapat menggamit perhatian pengunjung dan menjanjikan pengalaman berhibur bersama keluarga yang terbaik bukan sahaja untuk pengunjung tempatan malah menarik kehadiran pelancong asing ke Malaysia dan ke selatan tanah air iaitu negeri Johor secara khususnya.

Selain memperkenalkan karakter Hello Kitty, My Melody, Little Twin Star, bandar ini juga akan menawarkan segala produk berkaitan kartun berkenaan termasuk persembahan pentas, lagu, tarian dan parti Hello Kitty. Keunikan tersendiri yang terdapat di taman tema ini adalah, restoran yang akan menyediakan juadah selera berkonsepkan kampung milik kartunis Lat yang terkenal dengan kartun Kampung Boy.

Sila nantikan kahadiran bandar taman tema ini kerana bukan hanya suasana karakter kartun dari luar negara sahaja yang disajikan tetapi watak kartun tempatan juga digabungkan dibawah satu bumbung.saya akhiri bingkisan ini dengan Assalamualaikum ;)

aRe yOu skiLls?

Hey! this is me again. Against the times and thought. As we know Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin's recent announcement that the national Vocational Education Transformation (VET) programme will be implemented in 2013 is an important step in support of Malaysia's economic transformation agenda to help produce better educated, skilled and trained human resources. As the labor market becomes more specialized and economies demand higher levels of skills, governments and businesses around the world are increasingly collaborating and investing in the future of vocational education and training. Public-funded vocational education, essentially at the secondary level, is integrated and mainstreamed as part of the education curriculum in many industrialized and developing countries, including in Asia and dovetailed into subsidized apprenticeship or trainee ship initiatives organized and sponsored by businesses leading to skill certification. At post-secondary level, vocational education is typically provided by an institute of technology or an equivalent institution usually leading up to diploma level.

To ensure that vocational education and training is relevant to current and future needs of industry, businesses and governments should collaborate closely to define curriculum content, and plan, organize, implement and monitor both inputs and ascertain the quality of outputs of the vocational education and training program. Vocational education has significantly diversified in particular over the 20th century. The boundaries between integrated vocational education and training and the purely liberal, academic curriculum leading to tertiary qualifications are becoming more blurred. Applied education courses within the school curriculum and institution based training now provide the core human resources for industries such as building manufacture and servicing, tourism, hospitality and entertainment, information technology; retail and service, traditional craft and cottage industries and even in more specialized fields such as design, illustration, horticulture, aquaculture and many more. This trend is expected to continue and expand, allowing more students to access higher education and skills that are and will be in demand.

To have workers, technicians and professionals with the right educational background and the skills that industry requires, it is necessary that educational reforms be instituted that are need-based, purposeful, carefully planned, adequately resourced and sufficiently broad-based to provide the requisite opportunities to all students and young people to pursue a career path relevant to their aptitude and training. As a nation, we must commit ourselves to improving education to make it relevant, provide satisfaction and rewards as well as guidance to students enabling them to choose their career paths and fulfill the needs of the economic transformation that is required for "Wawasan 2020" to be reality. Only by recognizing overwhelming challenges associated with making fundamental changes in education and then investing in systemic reforms, can we create new educational approaches that yield meaningful results.

By enhancing school or college to work transition, we can create valuable educational opportunities for all students. With so much invested already we owe it to ourselves and the nation to make that commitment. don't you got it? believe it :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

wOn't LoOk bAcK

Every time I look, every time i stare upon a mirror

I really don't know whom I thought I knew for years
Who's the man I see, he's been fooling me
Keeps telling me what I thought I was supposed to be
Twenty three years has passed, I've made a lot of sacrifice
I did everything for everybody but me
NO! NO! No one can really tell, I hide my tears so well
But the time they look, they can only see the smiles
Sometimes I wonder, they care as how much I cared
Would they really dare to do things I dared?
Anyway that don't matter, if they don't do the same to me
I'd still be doing things I do, you see
My life is like a burning candle
Bringing joy to people, giving light though how much
It's hurting me if that's the way it got to be, then let it be
But this time the pain's too deep and too hard

To my heart, my heart can no longer take this pain
Can no longer sleep at night, I don't wanna live another day
Don't wanna fall apart
I just wish I could vanish all that's breaking me
Just leave the misery and don't look back
I won't look back and just don't look back

Every time i try, to lie to myself that everything's OK
I can't deny, I cry..and all that i can say
ALLAH.. have mercy
Please give me..give me, show the light to me
So I can give the joy the people want to feel
So I can live another day until I have no will
If that's the way it got to be, then let it be
But this time pain's too deep and too hard

Everyday I pray I have the strength to carry on
Every night and day, I pray things just work my way
Well it better be that way.. It's dangerous game I play
But no one has to know all the heartache I take
It's a nightmare out there.. I've got no one to share
Troubles in my mind.. In my mind I bare
If that's the way it got to be, then let it be
and you know what??
This time the pain's too deep and too hard

all of this word is come from my heart and it wrote by IT self
i don't know what to say..this what i got
from my deep heart

~phared shakur~