Assalamualaikum to all the viewer and Muslims around the world. This year, the Maulid which is the birthday of our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W fell on February 5, 2012 (Sunday). According to the Hijri calendar, the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W was born on Monday, 12 Rabiulawal in the year of the Elephant which corresponded with 23rd April, 571 in the Gregorian calendar. Monday has a special significant for the Prophet S.A.W. It was the day he was born, become a prophet and the day he wafat. Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun. Isra' Mikraj also took place on a Monday. Our book of deeds go up to Allah S.W.T to be inspected every Monday and Thursday. The Prophet S.A.W always fasted when his book was inspected. How shall we celebrate his birthday? We don't know because he never celebrate it neither did his companions. If celebrating it is a way to remember him by then the best way for us to remember him is by us emulating his ways for he was the best in behavior and attitude. In Surah Al-Imran:31, Allah says, " tell them Muhammad, if you love Allah follow me and Allah will love you and forgive you your sins".
Let's start with taking baby steps in following his ways after all the Prophet S.A.W was himself the walking Quran. Initially, we can start eating with always using our right hand and sleeping on our right side eventually graduating to always performing the witir prayer, it being the last prayer of the day which our beloved Prophet S.A.W had never missed, not even once. To keep his memory alive we must always remember him and take him as our inspiration in daily life. Prophet Muhammad S.A.W is a Allah LOVE. ;)
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