Tuesday, April 24, 2012

warkah daripada SYAITAN

Hai manusia yang tersayang,

Sewaktu engkau mahu tidur, aku lihat engkau tidak memuji ALLAH, tidak berselawat, tidak membaca ayat Kursi. Ini bagus sekali kerana waktu tidur adalah waktu untuk tidur bukan untuk membaca dan mengingat apa-apa. Sesungguhnya engkau tidak membuang masa tidurmu.

Pagi ini aku melihat engkau tidak mengerjakan solat Subuh. Bagus sekali! Engkau telah membuktikan bahawa engkau sahabatku yang BUDIMAN. Jangan engkau susah-payah bangun dan memendekkan masa tidurmu. Tidurlah dengan nyenyak dan nyaman. Janganlah engkau pedulikan azan Subuh yang mengejutkan engkau dari lena tidurmu. Bila Subuh menjelang, udara masih dingin, tariklah selimutmu dan tidurlah sayangku seperti Putera Puteri kayangan.

Aku juga melihat engkau suka memakai pakaian yang mendedahkan auratmu. Bagus sahabatku, seharusnya engkau perlu mengikut fesyen semasa tanpa perlu terikat dengan sebarang peraturan. Pasti mata-mata juga akan terpesona melihat kecantikanmu. Sesungguhnya kecantikan yang dikurniakan kepadamu hendaklah ditonjolkan kepada tontonan ramai.

Aku juga melihat engkau jarang membaca Bismillah sewaktu menjamah makanan. Ini bagus kerana engkau tidak melambat-lambatkan rezeki daripada memasuki mulutmu. Aku juga melihat engkau makan dengan lahapnya. Makanlah sepuas-puasnya sayangku. Inikan rezeki dari Tuhanmu.

Sahabat, aku juga melihat engkau bergembira menghabiskan duit dengan membeli-belah, menonton wayang, dan membeli kemewahan dunia. Syabas sahabat akhiratKU. Engkau telah membelanjakan rezeki yang kamu perolehi dengan jalan yang betul daripada memberi sedekah kepada fakir miskin. Duit engkau hanya untuk engkau dan bukan kepunyaan orang lain. Tidak perlulah bersusah-payah untuk manusia lain yang memerlukan.

Aku melihat apabila engkau bertemu sahabat handaimu, engkau tidak mengucapakn ASSALAMUALAIKUM tetapi engkau mengucapkan "HYE, HELLO,WHAT's UP". Ini juga bagus kerana engkau tidak kelihatan kekampungan dan ketinggalan zaman. Engkau telah mengikut "trend" semasa.

Engkau telah membuktikan bahawa engkau dan aku adalah sahabat sejati. Di akhirat nanti, engkau dan aku akan dapat bersama-sama berjalan beriringan tangan menuju ke neraka JAHANAM. Betapa terharunya aku memiliki sahabat sehidup semati sepertimu duhai sayangku.

Sahabat akrabmu...


Sunday, April 22, 2012

equivocate ubiquitous

It is 2 o’clock in the morning, my sleep won’t come and rain fall next to my window.

Is it because of you? I don’t think so. I didn’t want to drag you into this indecent life of mine, I’m sorry.

Why did you do that? Love? Don’t make me laugh.

To you who left without one word, can hear this rap verse right now? No!

This lonely morning I meet without you, after you left, the compass of the map in my heart has lost its way, my life is all ruined.

I was unprepared, you ran far away from me. My soul, I’ve prayed to God to try to hate you

Because it was so unfair, my life felt so miserable. My tone, action, even my steps have gone away.

My habits that have copied yours are bothering me.

You can’t be forgotten, how I can forget you. You’re on the first page of all of my memories.

Birthdays, the beach, over the cliff of deep love.

You’re the first girl who’s given me the pain of a first broken heart. Even if in my craziness I feel sad I’ll try to smile.

I don’t want your empty feelings, we just too late. If it yours, if you’re going to do whatever you want

This is the way you love? If I’m not started the beginning.. The time I had with you was so hard.

Everyday I waited for you by my phone, and every time you have no blame.

You told me you were sorry and avoided me then left.

But I love you girl, I wish you would stay here. I love you girl, I wish you would hold onto me.

I love you girl, even if I don’t say it, please don’t lose my eager heart my girl.

In my eyes you are just beautiful. My friend told me not to fall too deeply.

First, I get mad that girl is different. She is nicer and more pure than anybody. No! I really like you.

Let’s not change, I’ll make you happy. You stay by my side, time flows by when one, two years goes by. Better than this year. Your voice seems so tired. You need a place to lean, please lean on me.

Don’t you see me? Why do you fall alone?

Lower my head, my heart tears and breaks. It was great when we first met, we were happy just seeing each other.

Actually I still like that, but why aren’t you? Lately when I see you, I don’t get the same feeling.

The memories with you were so hard. Of course it may be my fault.

I’ll probably comfort my self like this. When time goes by this memory will be like smoke too.

Fly far way, a new love may find me too.

I love you girl, I want to make you smile. I love you girl, I want to wipe away your tears.

I love you girl, nothing anymore, I can’t turn back your changed heart I know girl.

I call wanting to see your face one last time. But till the end there’s no answer from you.

Why are you avoiding me? Please tell me girl, I’m still standing still.

Am I supposed to laugh, as nothing wrong? Each day passed by, as if nothing wrong.

I haven’t called you in a while. I just called to say I’m sorry and for that I’m even sorrier.

Honestly, I don’t have anything to say so I’m just babbling.

I was wondering how you’ve been. “What you want? You dreaming again aren’t you?”

I don’t want to hear it again, so I try hard to sound ALRIGHT.

You’ve become mute on the other side, because of the random things I’m saying.

What so great about my crooked pride? I want to run to you, but still..

It’s so hard but I try to act cool as if nothing happen. If I could get rid of this affection, and if I could get rid of this hatred.

mY BoO, do you know you’ll all I have? I realized too late, I’m sorry my dear.

As if nothing wrong, as if nothing going’s on. Memories of you I once tried to erase are starting to grow on me.

I need you, come back. I want to tell you truthfully my heart’s falling. Where are you?

I can never forget our first date. Your birthday is still marked on my calendar. I don’t believe people are saying my laughter has died.

There was a familiarity like long lost friends. We used to talk on messages all night on the phone. How did we have so much to say back then?

How are you doing girl? The promises I wasn’t able to keep still cling to my heart.

I worry about you a lot.

I wonder if you stay awake at night like I do and I feel sorry once again.

You say it yourself, “you’re too mean”. What the problem? I’m still trying to sort things out.

But like an idiot my regrets came too late. Where you at?

If you leave, what I’m supposed to do?

Please smile a lot more often, I hope you are much happier.

I will watch you do well from a far. You’ll fly away on newly spread wings.

I’ll pray that you’ll be happy, I have no time, I run.

I lived for a long time without even knowing the date on the calendar.

My heart is stop from burning but the clock still goes on its beat tick tock tick tock.. :)

~phared shakur~

Friday, April 20, 2012

movie date

A date at the movies! Hit this party, hey everybody throw your hands up. This is a sweet memories, and let me start the story. For the first time, Interpersonal Communication Movie Date was held on campus (F.O.C) at Tower 2 in the Faculty of Engineering whereas the earlier three movies were held at Cine Leisure, Damansara.
Students of part 1 to 5 assembled by 5.30pm at the foyer to register. The Interpersonal Communication Club had organized several activities to zest up the occasion. there were movie review quizzes, a musical chair and lucky draws. It was not all just play. Since this is an academic exercise, students had also to submit a review of the movie.
"Everybody's Fine" is about the realities of life where the film educates one on the responsibility of taking care and loving one's parents. At the end of the movie, the audience discussed on the interpersonal elements found in it.
So far, Movie Date is held in every semester, hence it has become a tradition whereby it is being organized by the Club.